Mastermind Overview

We appreciate your interest in our Mastermind Group and the potential you may bring to our group dynamic and each member’s personal and professional lives.

At its core, a Mastermind Group is defined as:

“An active alliance of two or more minds in a spirit of altruistic harmony for the attainment of common objectives to stimulate each individual mind to a higher degree of courage than that which is ordinarily experienced and prepares the way for that state of mind known as faith.”

Mastermind groups offer a combination of brainstorming, education, peer accountability, and support to sharpen your business and personal skills. A mastermind group helps you and your mastermind group members achieve success*. Members challenge each other to set strong goals and, more importantly, to accomplish them.

“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible, intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].”


  • Harness the full benefit of the group’s collective knowledge, training, experience, education, influence, and specialized expertise.
  • Stimulates each mind in the group to move with enthusiasm, personal initiative, imagination, and courage to a degree far above that which the individual experiences alone.
  • Provides a framework for getting out of your comfort zone and raising your confidence to charge forward in the face of uncertainty, doubt, fear, and criticism.
  • Provides safeguards against endeavor failures.
  • Empowers you to accomplish more at greater speed.

To be effective, the group must be passionately active, with each member bringing their full potential in altruistic harmony to each group engagement in pursuit of a specific purpose.

Altruistic harmony is defined as the willingness to give as much or more than you expect to receive for your participation. This separates the group from a group of people simply collaborating. The Mastermind approach gives each member full access to the spiritual powers of each group member.

The group requires commitment, confidentiality, and willingness to give and receive advice and ideas. The group members support each other with total honesty, respect, and compassion. Mastermind group members act as catalysts for growth, devil’s advocates, and supportive colleagues. This is the essence and value of mastermind groups.

In a mastermind group, the agenda belongs to the group, and each person’s participation is crucial to the success of the collective group. Your mastermind partners give you guidance and feedback and help you brainstorm new possibilities and solutions to challenging problems. The process sets up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track. You create a community of supportive colleagues who brainstorm together to move the members to new heights. You’ll gain tremendous insights that improve your business and personal life. Being a good mastermind group member creates massive value for you and everyone in your group.

Your mastermind group is like having an objective board of directors, a success team, and a peer advisory group — all rolled into one.

Mastermind group facilitators start and run these groups. They help the group to dive deeply into fruitful discussions and work with members to create success — as each member defines it. Facilitators are the secret to thriving mastermind groups; you are encouraged to volunteer in this capacity.

Through the mastermind group process, first, you create a goal, then design a plan to achieve it. The group helps you with creative ideas and wise decision-making. Then, as you begin to implement your plan, you bring success stories and problems to the group. Success stories are applauded, and problems are solved through peer brainstorming and collective, creative thinking.

The more often and the longer you participate, the more you will get out of the group.

To optimize your potential success and that of the group, you are encouraged to think through the following:

  • Define what success* means for you.
  • Decide where you want to be in the next three years and how you’ll get there.
  • Identify where you need help and what you want to learn.
  • Identify your professional/personal successes and challenges.

Success is the knowledge with which you get what you want in life without violating the rights of others. While an admirable goal, success at optimal levels requires leveraging the experience of others – a core tenet of this group. Defining what “success” means for you is crucial, factoring in your most precious priorities. Without this compass, the group may help you achieve “success” as defined by external forces.

“As you climb the ladder of success, ensure it’s leaning against the right house.”


Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (“No, not at this time”) to 5 (“Yes, absolutely”):

  1. ____ Do you want a supportive and encouraging team of mastermind partners?
  2. ____ Are you ready to grow personally and professionally?
  3. ____ Do you have the desire and inspiration to make this year extraordinary?
  4. ____ Are you ready to create more focus in your personal and professional life?
  5. ____ Are you committed to attending all meetings (either in-person or via video
    conference) and participating regularly?
  6. ____ Do you want to reach or exceed your goals?
  7. ____ Are you committed to making the shift from settling for an ordinary life to one
     that fulfills you on new levels?
  8. ____ Are you ready to let your desire to be passionate about your life and work
    overcome your fear of change?
  9. ____ Do you want to explore specific topics and diverse views within the context of
    a group?
  10. ____ Are you willing to invest time, money, emotion, willpower, and energy into
    taking better care of yourself and creating the life you want?
  11. ____ Are you willing to be supportive and provide privacy and safety when others
    share what truly matters to them?
  12. ____ Are you ready to learn from your peers?
  13. ____ Are you willing to askfor help and advice?
  14. ____ Are you willing to giveas much help and advice as you receive?

Your Score ____

If your score is:

  • 14 – 28: Evaluate, then ask yourself if you’re ready to create the business and life you want.  What’s the first thing you’d like to work on?
  • 29 – 42: You’re ready to take control of your life, your career, and your personal success.  Membership can help you create the strategy and actions for moving forward!
  • 43 – 70: You’re probably already moving forward on designing the life and business you want and deserve.  Belonging to a mastermind group can help you move across the finish line!